Ceiling fans often tend to be dirty, even if the rest of the room is relatively cleaner. Why do ceiling fans get so dirty so quickly? It so happens that the dust particles floating around in a room possess an electric charge, leading to a tendency for these particles to pull together, giving birth to little dust bunnies that hide under your bed. As the fan blades spin, they stir up air, creating currents that help push the floating dust particles toward surfaces in the room, including the blades themselves. And since fans are usually located higher up, they’re like magnets for all the tiny particles drifting around in the air. As the fan keeps moving, those charged particles settle on the blades, and with time, they accumulate, forming that pesky, visible layer of grime.
#ceilingfan #staticelectricity #fluiddynamics
Adeyeri, Michael Kanisuru, Ojo Victor Ademeso, and Abel Bayowa Nwoko. "Design of a Ceiling Fan with Autonomous Capability." Advances in Science and Technology 154 (2024): 149-160.
Norhisham, Muhammad Khairul Aiman, et al. "Improvement of Rolling Method in Dust Removal of Ceiling Fan." Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation 5.3 (2024): 198-203.
Albert, Marilyn Supriya, Sudarshan Katti, and Arunachalam Muthiah. "User and Market Research with Proposed Concepts for Ceiling-Fan Dust Cleaning." International Conference of the Indian Society of Ergonomics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
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